Robotic Wood Bending
MRAC 2019/2020
Faculty: Aldo Sollazzo, Alexandre Dubor. Mentors: Raimund Krenmueller, Kunaljit Chadha, Eugenio Bettucchi, Soroush Garivani
Students: Luis Jayme Buerba, Cedric Droogmans, Elena Jaramazovic, Lorenzo Masini
ROBOTIC WOOD BENDING presents a study for the implementation of digital techniques into the wood steam bending practice. Seeking to narrow down the gap from design to fabrication of complex wooden surfaces, with the implementation of an agent based modeling system, guided by the physical and geometric properties of predetermined conventional wooden pieces. Offering a wide range of possible applications, from interior furniture and partition walls, to large scale structures such as shading systems for sports facilities. The bending of the wood is carried out by a robotic arm equipped with a clamping and measuring setup to work with individual wooden pieces while compiling data on it’s physical behavior and gradually increasing the performance of the overall system.
Cognifying active wood bending