MOS. Management Operational System

MaCT 2019/2020 / The Role of Citizens in the City

Faculty: Kathrin DiPaola, Julius Streifeneider

Students: Alejandro Quinto, Byron Cadena


City as a Service (CaaS)

What if we could have the control of our own services? What if we were able to exchange services as we like? What if the building itself would have a stock value based on the services its generate? How this would affect the planning process? MOS, Ego to Eco, tries to tackle concepts such as change on the way we understand governance of systems, making citizens actives managers and producers of these services and the further relationships between citizens, communities and other agencies. Technology (IoT), Productivity (Community Empowerment and Local Networks) and Cooperative (Planning approach and collaborative self-sufficiency) are the driving points to create this digital system that tries to establish physical & digital experiences between the users.

What if citizens had control of their own services (Energy, Mobility, Waste, Safety, etc)?

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